
Gmo Labeling Laws Should Not Be Banned

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In almost all of the foods that the average person consumes there reside harmful ingredients and chemicals. Citizens and scientists alike have posed questions and concern about not only what a GMO is, but why the government refuses to pass GMO-labeling laws, while still claiming GMOs harmless characteristics. GMO-containing foods should be labeled to the fullest extent due to the fact that people have the right to know what they are consuming, regardless of what the government and big-box companies have to say about the chemicals and their prospective side effects. By not passing these laws, the government does citizens a huge (and unlawful) disfavor because of the controlled factors of what is labeled and what is consumed. The government …show more content…

Consumers purchase organics because they are aware of the process the products underwent to reach the store. According to Colorado’s Proposition 105, “consumers have the right to know if the food they are consuming has been genetically modified.” If this law was to be passed, all GMO-containing products would undergo mandatory labeling by July 1, 2016” (Stonebrook, 2015). With the understanding that we as purchasers deem the immediate rights to know what we are buying, it is only logical that mandatory GMO labeling be stressed, for no other reason than it is lawful for consumers to obtain knowledge of their foods. What is increasingly strange is that by law, organically labeled foods must not contain GMO’s of any kind, but why? Is it because of the lack of GMO testing performed on humans in order to determine side effects or prospective outcomes? GMO testing has been performed on animals a handful of times, and never once a positive side effect has been an outcome. Rats tested for reaction towards foods containing GMOs were shown to have either actually developed or have increased chances of developing kidney or liver problems (Mesnage, 2011). Although this has little to do with humans, it does show that unintended side effects can come of

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