
Gmo Persuasive Research Paper

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OMG, GMO Food, the heart of every culture, every civilization, every family, the question asked by every starved child: When do we eat next? Starvation and malnutrition choke famine covered countries, bringing desperate children, and desperate parents to their knees. The solution is genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are not merely practical, but when safely applied they will vastly enhance the production and quality of foods and medicines and quite possibly become the savior of mankind. Genetically modified organisms appear to be abnormal, but due to scientific research and plain evidence, GMOs are quite agreeable and safe. To first oppose or accept a new concept, one must first reach out and study what he or she doesn’t know. Genetically modified organisms are created by conveying genetic information from one organism to another to get the desired trait. …show more content…

So, in a panic, they spread word of heart problems, liver failure, and even cancer (Young 46). Dispersing false information of environmental damage, they argue on, using emotional catches to build support (Blake 4). But science is not running blindly into a snare; instead it is carefully progressing toward a better age, illuminating the future with possibility. Contrary to popular belief, there is no substantial evidence that GMOs have any harmful effects, not only after being extensively studied, but also after the consuming of trillions of meals containing GMOs (“GMOS: A Solution” 131). GMOs are environmentally sound, and also reduce the need for environmentally harmful agrichemicals (Blake 4). The most frustrating aspect of the debate on GMOs is that “those opposed to GMOs act like religious zealots unwilling to listen…dismissing out of hand the notion that the gene altering technology might be completely harmless or even a boon to humanity” (qtd Kruse & Thorn

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