
Going Back To School: A Case Study

Decent Essays

It’s true, 50 is the new 40, which is why if you’re over 40 and thinking of going back to school, it’s a great time to just do it. The U.S. economy is on the rise. However, it could be better. One reason is due to the number of industries that are struggling to find skilled workers, the more people that further their education to fill these positions is one of the steps towards furthering America’s recovery.
Adding Value
In 2012, 48-year old Brenda Walker, a business consultant and office manager in Tennessee made one of the biggest decisions of her life. She went back to school to complete her post-graduate degree in health care administration. Brenda explained,
“I knew I always wanted to continue with my education, but adding to that student loan debt was a hard nut to swallow. The job market wasn't getting any better, but …show more content…

I also thought I would be putting myself in a better position to teach”
Flexibility with Online Classes
Online classes offer more flexibility to adult learners, allowing them to balance work, family, and their education for success. Brenda earned her degree through this platform for this flexibility; however, the school’s representative also played a role in her decision to go back to school and attend Ashford University in San Diego, California.
“That decision came after a lot of research. There are so many online programs—some good—some bad—and none of them are cheap. I liked how the course study was laid out, along with how the enrollment agent treated me. I had a lot of questions. Rather than just giving me the "sales pitch," she talked to me about the instructors' backgrounds, how many years the University had been in operation, along with how long they had worked with online programs.”
One thing that made Ashford stick out to her is that their program is designed for adult

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