
Going To College After High School Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Daryon Robinson P.2 Mrs. Valenzuela 10/29/17 College debate essay I think everyone should get at least some education after high school. Three main reasons why you should go to college after high school is first you more professional when applying for a job, next you can meet more people and socialize, lastly is self discovery. First reason why you should go to college after high school is because of future opportunities. When applying for a job you wanna look your best and you want to look professional and experienced at whatever you want to do. Going to college after high school can prepare you for the real world and make you more responsible. The more experienced you look in whatever field you wanna do the jobs will be looking for someone with at least some experience. Even if you do not agree with going to college after high school you will still want a job and college can make you look like a …show more content…

In college you will meet new people and they will offer you help in many ways. Say you were really struggling in a class like chemistry if your friend was good in chemistry he or she could be of great aid. The friends you make in college is bonds that could be for life possibly. Say you need a ride to your job you call your friend from college that you always hang with and they could be helpful. Also, you could find out what you really wanna do with your life. Going to college after high school you will know what career you want you want pursue. Unlike not going to college and your confused unless you want to go to the military or you want to work at target for the rest of your life. Then hopefully going to college will make you more responsible about your classes and grades so you can be in the job you want. Going to college will also make you more focused as a person because you will want to get a right start on your

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