
Good vs. Evil in John Cheever's The Five-Forty-Eight Essay

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Good vs. Evil in John Cheever's The Five-Forty-Eight

John Cheever was an award winning American author of the twentieth century. His work often possessed 'psychological and religious vision' with central themes of 'sin, deception, and redemption' (Kennedy, 551). Cheever's short story entitled 'The Five-Forty-Eight' portrays a struggle of good vs. evil. Following the themes of sin, deception, and redemption, we read of a young woman (good) seeking revenge for the evil done to her. Through the course of the story the reader can distinguish between the traits of good and evil.

The Webster's dictionary defines evil as 'that which is morally wrong.' Blake has some distinct morality issues. Blake, the evil force in the story, possesses …show more content…

His relationships are not the only area of his life that we see Blake?s evil nature rise. There are subtle hints of his self obsession throughout Cheever?s story. Early on in the story, Blake is admiring himself in a plate glass window and sees himself with ?a clear reflection? and the crowds ?like shadows at his back? (551). He then sees Mrs. Dent as a ?contorted being? (551) in the same window. Blake sees himself as a flawless creature of complete perfection with the mass of city pedestrians as a blur behind his faultlessness, and he can easily pick out the imperfections in other individuals. He sees himself as the ultimate perfection, instead of seeing the negative impact he has on his friends and family. His negative interactions with friends and family are the evil force that breaks his relationships. There is no mention of any moral actions performed by him.

We find yet another example of Blake?s immoral actions through his self-conceit. He fails to comfort a crying Mrs. Dent, ?he felt too contented and warm and sleepy to worry about her tears? (553). Blake has no compassion for others; he only worries about his own affairs. This is indicative that Blake is morally wrong.

Blake so genuinely sees himself as perfect that it is virtually impossible for him to accept any minor mistakes he makes. When he first comes across Mrs. Dent after their affair, he is surprised to find that he cannot

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