
Google 's Quality Guidelines For Google

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I strongly follow Google 's quality guidelines. Whilst the internet is filled with much information to Google search engine optimization, here are my take on Google best SEO practices. BASIC SEO ESSENTIAL 1. Stay away from free web hosting seo answer Although free hosting affecting your website performance and page loading speed is a key factor in Google 's current ranking algorithm, so stay away from free web hosting. 2. Choose a reliable web hosting seo answer Though your website uptime is 99.9%, Google views this as a reliable website and therefore it increases your Google crawl rate. Dedicated hosting - reliability and speed & expensive Shared hosting - share with other websites & economical 3. Have a proper domain with keyword seo answer Your domain with primary keyword can increase relevancy signal. Assist you find an available domain name here. Misspelled domain heavily damages your online company’s reputation and brand awareness. While the aged domain has been owed by numerous site owners in the past, it’s your job to find out the past history whether it’s still worth buying the domain. Follow these steps to check the aged domain before you purchase: 1. Perform site colon check for this aged domain’s past web history. Example, site: If the site associates with gambling, sex or drug, use Google disavow tool to remove these websites first. 2. Visit Internet Archive website to see what this old domain has done in the past. You may

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