
Gothic Elements In Frankenstein Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Kensley Rasbornik
Mrs. Schroder
English IV
December 7, 2017
Gothic Literature The novel Frankenstein has many gothic features in it. The mysterious and gloomy feelings or emotions you get while reading this novel is the way Mary uses the gothic theme to make you really grasp the supernatural theme. A gothic novel usually portrays the theme of the book as being mysterious. When Victor creates the monster Frankenstein, this creates imagery throughout the whole novel. There are so many different shows, movies, and pictures revealing how Frankenstein was made. This helps us grasp the image that Victor was trying to give to the readers when creating him.Victor puts a gothic theme into the book himself as the character who finds and reuses other …show more content…

With the book being set in a dark and gloomy place, it makes a perfect introduction scene for this novel because no one would want to go lurking into a swamp area that is dark and not a lot of light gets too. The story takes place in Europe and leads the main characters going to antarctica which is also a very secluded place in the world that not many people travel too. Many writers that use the gothic literature technique normally include castles, dungeons, and other scary buildings. Mary does not use the classic gothic settings that most author’s follow she uses a more unique take on the gothic setting. For example, when the monster was created, when Shelley describes the night the monster was created by Victor and she described it as a cold and dreary night. This may not sound scary but in the gothic setting, cold and dreary make the setting seem more evil and suspenseful. Another example would be when the readers see the monster in the North Pole, they described it as a cold and desolate place. To many people, the North Pole is very unfamiliar drawing in the fact that not a lot of people go there to stay or visit. It is covered in snow and rocks making avalanches very easy to occur. Mary Shelley also uses the unpredictable setting for the readers to continue reading and make it interesting for

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