
Government Funding Is Better Spent Essay

Decent Essays

How Government Funding is Better Spent
The government is funding programs that we, the American people, cannot even imagine let alone keep up with, in all categories and for all facets of life. There are funding for keeping young people in school, encouraging higher education, creating more jobs, bringing low-income people out of poverty status, helping reformed criminal when they are released and much, much more. Yes, government funding would be better spent on preventing crime than in dealing with criminals after the fact. All of the above-mentioned things are a part of the plan to prevent crime in one way or another. There have been agendas that are more specifically gear toward crime prevention, such as, hiring and training more Police, ways of better communicating between authorities and communities. Although funding for these has been set up to address these issues, they have often fallen short and have not been very effective. (
Preventing crime is far better than having to deal with criminals after the fact. The governments funds more money for housing, clothing, feeding and educating incarcerated persons than they use on preventing the crimes. Education vs prison costs data shows from 40 states how much government money is spent per year to educate an …show more content…

Funding for elementary, middle and high schools, hiring more teachers, supplying more computers, better facilities, lunch programs, tutoring, busing, etc., educating our children better, so that their goals and chances are better to finish and go to college, instead of dropping out and getting into trouble. This funding would be of greater use than waiting to educate and train young men and women after incarceration, dealing with crime before they become criminals. It could help with the funding of people to acquire the skills needed to maintain

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