
Government Spending In The United States

Decent Essays

With the transition of a new President and Administration one can only think of how our economy will be in the next four years. America is a melting plot therefore we are not always going to agree on where Government spends our money. Some support more spending on education and new construction for roads while others support a less involved government. We have seen in the past that when there’s a high level of government spending our economy blooms. We can benefit from this because we have more move to spend and put back into the economy.
Some would rather a limited power government. The republican prospective thinks that a government with too much spending actually hinders the economic growth because too much power can be a bad thing. The …show more content…

A good question to ask is does a limited government spending or more government spending lead to a better economy. Limited government spending puts less on the tax payers. Its doesn’t invest as much in public sectors or taxes which in return will allow the people to bring home more income. When you have more money one is able to spend more money. If we’re spending more money then we’re putting back into the economy which will in time cause economic growth. "Every man, and every body of men on earth, possess the right of self-government."-Thomas Adams 1790. The Declaration of independence allows us to have the opportunity to express and implement free government. We have the right to want and vote for a more limited government. People like the idea of limited government because it allows them the freedom to spend their money as they please. They can invest their money in the things they feel will benefit them with little …show more content…

If our government didn’t spend anything would we have any type increase in our economy? I do not thing we would. Who would pay for the necessity things we need in order to thrive as a country. How would we keep up with our transportation system, invest in our future or keep us from totalitarianism? We have to have some type involvement from the government. I the 2016 election outcome came due to the fact that a lot of people felt like President Obama and his administration implicated too many policies that increase government spending. Such policies geared towards health care reform and income inequality. All in which increased taxes for each individual. I think a lot of people feel like the last eight years of government spending cost the tax payers a lot of unnecessary money. People were paying taxed for programs they didn’t support or agree with. “In fiscal year 2015, the federal government spent $3.7 trillion, amounting to 21 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP). Of that $3.7 trillion, over $3.2 trillion was financed by federal revenues. The remaining amount ($438 billion) was financed by borrowing. As the chart below shows, three major areas of spending each make up about one-fifth of the budget” (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities). This article outlines the major areas of spending which are

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