
Governor Sam Brownback 's Tax Cuts

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Governor Sam Brownback is known for his tax cut experiment in Kansas and has been trying to make Kansas a more profitable place to live. The media has highly criticized his ideas saying jobs did not grow and there was less growth in Kansas compared to any other state. The media also said he cut back on education. Yes, he did cut back on a little bit, just about 4% to 62.4% from 66.7%; however that percentage of education funding in Kansas is from the whole budget for the entire state of Kansas. Sam Brownback should be re-elected as Governor because he will provide more jobs, get rid of taxes on job earnings, and balance the kansas budget. Sam Brownback is trying to create more jobs by using tax cuts in Kansas. In order to create more …show more content…

More savings will thus reduce that rate and so presumably spur more entrepreneurship and so on” (Worstall). Worstall proves not only is non-taxed income possible but it can be done over time. Tami Luhby, senior writer for CNN Money, interviewed Gerald Friedman from the Economics Department at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Friedman mentions that Bernie Sanders helped him do an experiment which worked. Friedman, however, argues that “Sanders ' plan would be more stimulative because it is pouring money [$1 trillion on infrastructure] into the economy, as opposed to cutting taxes… (Luhby). The thinking goes: This enhanced government spending would increase demand on businesses, who would then hire more workers to meet their needs. The increase in employment will prompt people to buy more, leading other businesses to hire. If there is more spending, people will have more to do, Friedman said, noting that the share of the population with jobs could be restored to its 1999 level of more than 64%, up from its current 59.6% rate” (Luhby). Mr. Sander’s plan is similar to our current President Barack Obama’s plan. He poured money into the economy but it was by artificially inflating the Stock Market and economy. We still have high unemployment and now an additional $10.6 trillion in national debt. (Sargent)
Sam Brownback’s ultimate goal is to eliminate the state income

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