
Graduation Speech : Achievement Gap

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Achievement Gap
Students across the globe vary, but especially when it comes to academic achievement. To some, this may be an obvious fact, but, what many tend to forget is that this variation in achievement is relatively stable and can even predict a students later outcome such as dropping out of school. Many of us probably do not remember who the highest and lowest achievers were in our third grade class, yet can recall the valedictorian at our high school gradation. Well, chances are if you stayed in the same school district from elementary all the way until high school, those same peers who were at the top of the class in high school were also in the top in elementary school. This again goes back to achievement being relatively …show more content…

The vast majority of this school was minority students. The graduation rate was significantly higher for White students compared to the other students who populated the school. Along with this, because many students did not have the proper guidance at home, they had trouble when it came to how the whole school system worked. Things such as AP classes were almost unheard of for the minority students simply because they lacked mentors. This is why it is so important for educators to create environments that support all learners across the board who vary in different levels and provide proper guidance for all students. It was noted that most minority students come from families with low socioeconomic statuses (Kim & Sunderman, 2005). Because of this, the children tend to have lower academic success rather than a high-SES child. The effects of SES can start as early as preschool and progress from there. In most cases, by the time a lower-SES child enters school, they already have a lower math and reading ability, which makes it harder to catch up with the rest of the class. Students in lower-SES families often miss out on a variety of educational experiences such as owning books, going to the library or a museum, and traveling. It also doesn’t help that children who are underprivileged are less likely to have high-quality teachers. I too saw this have a huge affect on students while visiting a local high school. It was obvious that the stress of

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