
Graphic Design Vs. Art Essay

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Graphic Design vs Art

“Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple definitions, there is no single definition. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated”. The following items will be discussed to give better understanding of Graphic Design vs Art: definition of the two terms, what is considered art, what is considered design, and opinions of the two subjects.
Sometimes the best way to communicate to people is not through spoken words or written text, but through illustration. Graphic design, sometimes also known as communication design, is the process of visual communication, and problem-solving through the correct use of typography, space, image and color. Graphic Design usually starts with a purpose, such as trying to buy, find, or advertise something and usually only has one meaning. Designers use their skill to combine text and pictures to create advertisements, magazines, or books. Art is something that is created with imagination, skill and it is usually tried to expresses important ideas or feelings. Artists look to express their ideas to others, they begin with a blank canvass and when done, it is intended to be interpreted by different people in different ways. There are different forms of art such as, paintings, drawings, graphics, sculptures, and architecture. As art can have many different meanings for its audience. Evidence of human activity in

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