
Great Gatsby Reflection

Decent Essays

At the begging of the year, I had little knowledge to write an essay for this class, especially since we did not have many guidelines. For my glorious moment paper, I changed a good amount of text. I went back throwing, revising my paper and making changes. Overall, I changed a majority of my sentence structures because the first final draft contained numerous bland versions. Many of my sentences also had to be fixed in the begging so that they were not so repetitive. From there, I thought it would have been a good idea to changing my opening and closing portions of my essays. I made my introduction and my conclusion end in the same place so that it all ties together. I also made a large amount of changes in my cause and effect essay. Reading and revising the paper, I noticed that the effects were not evident. So, I changed my introduction. While changing my introduction, I noticed that my body paragraphs did not fit. So, I went back through and decided to make all of my paragraphs into something different. In dong so, I made my paper much stronger and I did not have to keep stating how I came to be. I also wen back to the appositive, participial, and prepositional packets we did and tried to use a variety of different structures. Finally, I also made large changing in my AP Essay for The Great Gatsby. After rereading my paper I realized that my paper could be much stronger. In order to make my essay stranger I had to change and critique my introduction. In

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