
Great Leaders: Dr., Gandhi, And Franklin D. Roosevelt

Decent Essays

Great leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and Franklin D. Roosevelt all had an eclectic list of characteristics, but they shared three important ones. These leaders were trustworthy, loyal, and honest, and those are some of the characteristics which make a great leader. The characteristic of trust is one that is the foundation of leadership. “A deer trust it’s mother to teach, protect, and guide itself.” Like a mother deer a leader teaches, protects, and guides their followers. This allows the trust of a follower to be put in the trust of a leader. “Trust is the building blocks of love, and love is the building blocks of life.” Building blocks hold up the tremendous structures of the world’s greatest sites. With huge structures comes great trust for their foundation, much like the trust of a person to a leader. “Trust will guarantee our prosperity and hope for the future.” As many things happen in the world trust will always be there for the world. This shows how trust can affect the future of humanity. While trust is in every great leader it is also in every human soul. …show more content…

“Loyalty is hard to find” a common phrase said today. Great leaders have it that is why they are great leaders. When loyalty is scarce there is always a leader to rise from the ashes of despair. “Great leaders are loyal to only those who are loyal to them.” If MLK’s followers did not have loyalty to him where would the civil rights of minorities be? Loyalty was and always will be why leaders lead. “Loyalty makes a person attractive” states the Bible. The previous statement represents the look loyalty gives a person. It may not be physically attractive, but the way people view a person's character is their attractiveness. Like trust, loyalty is another step on the journey to being a great

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