
Green Light In The Great Gatsby Essay

Decent Essays

Everyone has a dream of their desired future, they dream of the one thing that makes them happy that they don’t have now. The American dream is a dream of money, success, and happiness. For many people, the dream is based solely upon reaching a higher standard of living. In the novel the Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald creates Gatsby as a character who becomes great. He begins life as just an ordinary, lower-class, citizen. But Gatsby has a dream of becoming wealthy. After meeting Daisy, he has a reason to strive to become prominent. Gatsby is a character who lived his whole life in pursuit of wealth and power, which ultimately led to his death. F. Scott Fitzgerald presents the American dream as an illusion that can never be reached. The personification of Daisy as the American dream, Myrtle’s death, the image of the green light, as well as Gatsby being denied entry into the upper class, are all examples of the invalidity of the American dream. …show more content…

Gatsby says “If it wasn’t for the mist we could see your home across the bay,” said Gatsby. “You always have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock.” (92), to Gatsby the green light represent his dream, which is Daisy. To attain her he would be achieving the American dream. Nick says “Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever. Compared to the great distance that had separated him from Daisy – Now it was again a green light on a dock. His count of enchanted objects had diminished by one.” (93), it had occurred to Gatsby that he has fulfilled the American dream of being with Daisy. However, the green light revealed the impossibility of achieving the American dream after Gatsby is defeated in his goal to claim Daisy. The manner in which the green light is presented in this novel reflects the invalidity of the American

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