
Grief Counseling Project

Satisfactory Essays

1. Explain how this project is a learning stretch for you. This project is a learning stretch for me because I have never been on the other side of the group grief counseling. I have only been the one who is seeking counseling not the one giving it. It is a big learning stretch for me to take my experience with loss and turn it around into something good for the kids in the community who have lost someone. In the beginning of my project I had the opportunity to attend a grief counseling volunteer class which helped me learn the do’s and don’ts of counseling. This helped me learn how to help the children and I can later apply this learning for my future career.

2. Discuss three problems that you encountered with your project. …show more content…

If you could redo your project, what would you do differently? If I could redo my project, what I would do differently is get more evidence of the projects. With it being such a sensitive topic I couldn’t really take pictures of what the kids said. I also had a bad quality camera which made it difficult to take good pictures so I wish I would have found a better camera.

3. In at least fifty words, discuss the grade you should receive for your project. Describe what you did in order to ensure that your project was the best it could be. Include at least three specific examples or reasons to defend your position. The grade I believe I should receive for my project is a 16 or higher. I think I deserve this grade because this is the hardest I have pushed myself in any project. I went out of my comfort zone for this project and pushed myself to get the best grade that I could. My mindset wasn’t just get it done and graduate. My mindset was push yourself, get the best grade that you can and graduate knowing you put all your effort into it. I pushed myself by leading three groups and this was out of my comfort zone because I’m shy and have difficulties talking to large groups. I also believe I deserve a good grade because I didn’t do a basic project; I thought of something that would challenge me. I turned something bad that happened to me and turned it around into something good for the community. Another reason I believe I should get that

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