
Gun Rights And Mental Illness Essay

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Gun Rights and Mental Illness: A Category Problem The Newtown shooting in Connecticut, otherwise known as the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in 2012, rekindled the debate about gun rights and mental illness. The gun man of this mass shooting, Adam Lanza, 20 years old, killed his mother and gunned down 20 children and 6 teachers before committing suicide (CBS/AP). It was a horrific event, and people investigated his background to try to find a cause or motive for doing this. According to the reports, Lanza was rumored to have suffered severe mental and emotional problems, and was diagnosed with a variety of mental disorders throughout his life, including “Autism Spectrum Disorder, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Asperger syndrome” …show more content…

Metzl and Kenneth T. MacLeish, we can see how these misconceptions are formed. In one passage of this article, it states that “mass shootings represent anecdotal distortions of, rather than representations of, the actions of ‘mentally ill’ people as aggregate group” (Metzl and Macleish pg. 877). Basically, these anecdotal accounts reported by the media do not represent the big picture of the gun violence going on in the country, and it is because of this great exaggeration based on specific events that skews the public’s perception of the mentally ill. Also, the media often makes a distinction between mild and severe mental illnesses, connecting the latter to unpredictability and lack of self-control (Metzl and Macleish pg. 878). But this connection is also called into question by mental health research when serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia may actually reduce the risk of violence due to traits often associated with schizophrenia such as social isolation and withdrawal (Metzl and Macleish pg.

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