
Gun Smoke Settles

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When the Gun Smoke Settles As the rifle and machine gun fire exchanges in the Syrian Civil War not only lives are lost but many innocent men, women and children are left in need of emergency care. Cecily Hilleary, a traveling journalist for VOA World News, mentions “the United Nations estimates the civil war raging in Syria has left more than 2.5 million people in dire need of food, water, drugs and medical supplies,” not including the already 25,000, and counting, deceased from the war (VOA par. 9). The medical aid is minimal in Syria due to the low number of volunteers and medical staff. Cecily tells the stories of crowded hospitals with over 250-350 beds being piled up upon with hurt Syrian individuals, many being innocent women and …show more content…

The editors of Britannica Encyclopedia bring up how the Syrian War started due to “protestors demanding an end to authoritarian practices in the Assad Regime that have been in place since 1971 under Hafiz al-Assad, Bashar al-Assad’s father” (“Syrian Civil War,” par. 1). With this want of an end of an era rebel militia groups sprung up over a very short period demanding change in the Syrian government. Militias started small by attacking government meetings and targeting specific Syrian government officials. In a little under a year Syrian militias began a full-fledged war between themselves and the Syrian government. Almost immediately after the Syrian War was declared a war the United Nations jumped in to aid the innocent civilians who were being hurt from the weapons of warfare. Since Syria was already a poor area the war only made it worse and left many homeless and exposed to the fighting in the streets. With over 25,000 dead and 2.5 million in need of food, water and medical supplies the Syrian War crisis has received responses from all over the world… but it’s not enough to bring a sense of safety to the innocent people of Syria (Hilleary pars.

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