
Gwen Harwood Barn Owl Essay

Decent Essays

In her poem “ Barn Owl”, Gwen Harwood uses many different techniques to create a poem based of life and death. By using symbolism and imagery she describes how a loss of innocents has occurred when the child rebels against their father but by doing this the child has gained maturity and undergone individual growth. In the first stanza we learn that this poem is taking place at daybreak, where a child of unknown gender and age, has crept out of the house with their fathers gun. We are unsure of why the child wants to go outside with a gun but we can assume that it was a planned event. Words such as ‘day break’ and ‘I crept out with my father's gun’ illustrate that the child deliberately wanted to escape the house at this time before his family members awoke and found him with the gun. This also leads us to believe that this child is rebelling against their father and that there was no kind of permission given. Despite us not knowing what has lead to the child’s actions there are many things in the poem, which we could presume, could be the case. The mocking language used again in the first stanza “ robber of power by sleep, child obedient and angel-mild”, these words all illustrate frustrated and an aggravated child. This …show more content…

We notice that Harwood is aiming to portray the transformation from an innocent child to a horny fiend, just by learning the cruel reality of death. She also examines certain aspects of the connection between maturity and wisdom. By loosing innocents one will then gain maturity and therefore gain wisdom. The father in this poem acts as the authority over the child who also helps him learn a vital life lesson. After the child attempt to kill the owl the father appears and he acts as a power figure again by instructing the chid by saying “ end what you have begun.” This is the moment when the child understand the consequences of his actions and has therefore looses innocents, which cannot be

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