
Haiti Political System

Decent Essays

Haiti’s political system was not suitable for human living. The government basically ran

everything. Soldiers pranced around acting as if they owned everything and everyone in their

path. They treated the people of Haiti terribly, as if the people were inhuman. In reality, it was the

soldiers who were inhuman because they could do whatever they wanted to who ever they

wanted. Soldiers arrested people just because they felt like those people committed crimes. This

horrendous treatment from the soldiers shaped the way Haitians existed. It shaped the way young

Haitians were raised. The children had to grow up in poverty. Some children weren’t able to

survive the harsh treatment and ended up dying from severe beatings, starvation, and diseases

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Also soldiers could force fathers to

rape their daughter. This may have been something that Danticat witnessed or went through.

Going things like this can do two things to a person, make them mentally/physically strong or

traumatize them forever. Living in this environment made Danticat strong and successful.

North America’s is not great but it is working for the people right now. The political

system that we have set up is primarily good. The government views us off of our financial

income. The government has shaped the way the people live base people off of how much money

they make. In the US, we have three mains social classes, upper class, middle class, and lower

class. Because of how much income my parents have bring the government categorizes us as the

average middle class family. This have shaped me in many ways. It's helped me appreciate how

hard my mom works because not only is she providing for herself also her three kids. I am grateful

that I have a mother who cares for us to work as hard as she does. The social classes that the

people in has helped me gain patience. I understand that I can not have everything I want

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