
Halloween Essay : The Night Before Halloween

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The Night before Halloween It was a hot, warm, nice day. The Wind blew calmly through trees. Not a thing was out of place. Hanayia lived on 5th Avenue. Beautiful houses, nice people, perfect life. Hanayia had the second biggest room in the house. She was a happy little girl. She gets everything she wants because she is an only child. Not a worry in the world. It was the day before Halloween and Hanayia was preparing her costume. She was going to be a zombie bride. She had bought a white dress with a tiara from an antique shop.
She was going to enter the Halloween competition with her best friend Assiralc for best dressed.
It was going to be in a haunted house. She was so excited to enter the competition that she spent over 100 dollars for the tiara and dress, but really the tiara was 85 dollars and the dress was only 15 dollars. She had no idea why the tiara was so much but she decided to buy it because her costume had to be perfect. The day passed by and it was time to get ready for the Halloween party. She got ready and headed out of the house. She had a liitle bit of trouble getting the tiara to stay on her head which was really confusing. Her mom told her to be careful and be back by 12:12 pm. Her
Mom knew she would listen because she was a good kid and trusted her. Her mom was partly worried because when she was younger, her and her friend got stuck in a Halloween maze and could not get out until 3 hours. Her friend Assiralc picked

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