
Halloween from Its Beginning to Now

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Halloween From Its Beginnings to Now Halloween is celebrated almost all around the world. Though the name may differ from region to region, the original customs of halloween can be found everywhere. “Day of the Dead”, “Kawasasqanchis”, “Dance of the Hooded Egunguns”, and “Bon Festival” are just a few of the many celebrations that, if one were to look at their traditions and when the celebrations were made, would see that they derive from the origin of Halloween. The many celebrations similar to Halloween all share similar themes such as: contact with the spirit world involving the spirits of the dead, fairies, witches, and the devil and evil spirit creatures. How did Halloween become what it is today? Starting in 5th century B.C.E., the Celts celebrated a festival at the end of each October, a time in which they believed ghosts and demons would roam the earth more than other times of the year. The festival was called Samhain (meaning “summer’s end”). As the days became shorter (in a sense of the amount of time the sun is visible), the celtics thought that they had to “reinvigorate” the sun. They would do this by putting all fires out, symbolising the “dying old year”, then have a sacred bonfire to scare away evil spirits. (The tradition of bonfires during holidays stemming from holloween are seen today in Britain on Guy Fawkes Night, and Brazil’s June Festivals. Starting in first century C.E., the Romans conquered the Celtics and adopted the spiritistic rituals of

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