
Hamlet Critical Analysis

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The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark has been performed thousands of times since it was “written in 1599–1601 and published in a quarto edition in 1603” ( It’s popularity stems from its themes that translate across time. These themes, are seen to be relatable even to this day with the ever growing audience. Readers and viewers are able to find similarities between the current state and or even relate to one of the characters or events taking place over the course of Shakespeare’s five act masterpiece. Shakespeare's, The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark remains a viable text for contemporary readers in that it functions as a mirror.

Everyone interpretes a piece of literature slightly differently. Merriam Webster defines interpetre as “to explain or tell the meaning of: present in understandable terms interpret dreams needed help interpreting the results” or “to conceive in the light of individual belief, judgment, or circumstance.”
Jack Hitt, a contributor for This American Life from WBEZ, follows a group of inmates at the Missouri Eastern Correctional Center that are actors in their production of Hamlet. During this time the actors give insights on the challenges and effects of working on the production.
Derrick ‘Big Hutch’ Hutchinson, who plays Horatio in the production, describes various interpretations of the play. The first being his theory of the hierarchy of characters and how they relate to the types of inmate in prison. Making an analogy

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