
Hamlet Lack Of Action Essay

Decent Essays

William Shakespeare’s, Hamlet is a tragic story of revenge that focuses on Hamlet’s intention to avenge his father’s death. The protagonist, Hamlet, is an overthinker. His lack of action brought deaths and tragedies that could’ve easily been avoided had he acted righteously. There are many instances throughout time where humans didn’t pursue a course of action when it was desperately needed. For centuries humans have been letting problems in their personal lives and in society continue because they wouldn’t take action to fix anything. Because of this, things like climate change have gotten nearly out of hand. Today, we still have problems in our society that require action in order to be resolved. Lack of action is more detrimental to society because if people, instead, took action against every wrongdoing, problems in our world would be more likely to be solved. Throughout the play, Hamlet had many existential crises that stopped him from taking action. When Hamlet is alone after speaking to Gertrude and Claudius about his father’s death, he says, “Seem to me all the uses of this world! Fie on't, ah fie, 'tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed. Things rank and gross in nature possess …show more content…

When there’s a problem in society taking action is imperative to resolving it. Without taking action, the problem will continue and could spiral out of control. It’s common for people to have the mindset that it’s up to others to take action, or that they won’t make a difference. However, the reality is that the ones who can get past this mindset are the ones who eventually change the world. Lack of action is worse than most negative traits, such as greed and overconfidence, because it’s possible to reduce these negative traits that are plaguing our society by taking action. By teaching people from a young age how destructive they can be, these negative traits can be

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