
Hamlet's Relationship With His Parents Essay

Decent Essays

When a parent dies, you need someone to fall back on. This person helps you get through it and make you feel loved. If you do not have someone there to help you through this time, you often turn to other things like acting crazy and wanting to take your own life because you feel as if you are not loved and you want to get rid of the pain. Hamlet loved his father and his death took a big part of his life away from him. His mother, Gertrude, needed to spend time with him, to show him he was loved and someone cared about him. Gertrude was not there for Hamlet the way she should have been, and because of this he began to act like he was crazy. Instead of spending time with her son, Gertrude was busy getting married to the late Kings …show more content…

A little month, or ere those shoes were old
With which she followed my poor father’s body (I, ii, 147-148)

Gertrude knew about the plan to kill the King. Claudius wanted to become King, but the only way that could happen, the current King, would have to be dead. Hamlet’s family and everyone else were very religious. Marrying within the family was very frowned upon, especially in royal families. Because Gertrude was very religious, she would never marry incestuously. For Claudius to become the new King, he would have to marry the Queen, Gertrude. The quick marriage to Gertrude after the Kings death shows that Gertrude was really cheating on her husband before he was murdered.
O wicked wit and gifts that have the power
To seduce! (I, V, 45-46).
Claudius seduces Gertrude before he murders King Hamlet to be sure that she will marry him. From the way Gertrude was responding to him, Claudius knows that she will marry him. Claudius is sure his plan will work and murders King Hamlet and marries Gertrude to become the new King and Queen.

As a result of Gertrude’s absence in Hamlets life during the time of his father’s death, Hamlet felt like he was invisible. He felt as if nobody loved him or was paying attention to him. Because he felt like nobody noticed him, he turned to acting like he had gone crazy. Gertrude was only paying attention to Claudius, and if Hamlet acted like he was crazy, it may draw the attention to himself

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