
Hamlet’s Struggle with Life and Death

Decent Essays

Hamlet’s Struggle with Life and Death In Act III, scene I of Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, the thematic imagery, along with the symbolic use of syntax and diction that Shakespeare uses helps convey Hamlet’s state of mind as troubled and as having a painful view to life which, overall, is subtly expressed with weakness as he talked about death. Death is a major theme in Hamlet and through Shakespeare’s astonishing words in his “To be, or not to be,” soliloquy; it is obvious that Hamlet is conveyed as a troubled character. He is unsure about death. “To be, or not to be, that is the question:” (line 1), proves that Hamlet is troubled because the use of a colon is a sign that he is not only answering his own question, but he is …show more content…

To die, to sleep--/ To sleep,” (lines 5-10). This portion of the soliloquy expresses that Hamlet views death as something full of pleasure, especially with Shakespeare’s use in the word “consummation,” which means to complete, or sex, thus proving Hamlet’s opposition to life because he welcomes death with a pleasurable imagery. Shakespeare’s use of repetition of “to die, to sleep,” throughout this soliloquy expresses Hamlets want for death. “To say we end/ The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks/ That flesh is heir to,” truly depicts the emphasis that Hamlet has on the finality of death and it shows that he wanted it, but it can also convey confusion in Hamlet since he expresses this finality with this descriptive physical imagery. “For who would bear the whips and scorns of time.” (Line 15.) This is a question to mankind that Hamlet asks, but it also conveys his state of mind perfectly because the imagery articulates the pain and torture Hamlet’s character is dealing with since he views life in that way. The beginning of madness, which is another theme in Hamlet, can be represented with this soliloquy due to these feelings that Shakespeare conveys Hamlet of having towards death.
Throughout this soliloquy, Hamlet seems to convey a weak state of mind, which is understood by Shakespeare’s use in diction and

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