
Hamolytic Disease Of The Newborn: Rh Factor

Decent Essays

Haemolytic Disease of the Newborn: Rh factor

Haemolytic disease of newborns, also known as erythroblastosis fetalis, is the blood incompatibility can occur when the fetal red blood cells differ from those on maternal red blood cells (VanMeter & Hubert, p. 588). This paper will look at Haemolytic Disease of the Newborn and will focus the Rh factor.

In 1940, Karl Landsteiner questioned whether animals of a similar species would have similarities or differences in their blood. He used related animals, like the Rhesus monkeys, in his research and injected their blood into guinea pigs and rabbits, to see if the resulting antisera distinguished human characteristics. His research led to the recognition of the Rh factor, named for the Rhesus donors (Owen, 2000). With this discovery, Landsteiner was able to offer better understanding that the Rh factor is a maternal-fetus incompatibility disease. …show more content…

If the test results come back with Rh-, then the partner is also tested. If both the mother and the partner are both negative, there aren’t any concerns. It is when the mother and the partner are both incompatible. Further testing is done to confirm the incompatibility as the Coomb’s Test, an
•A Coomb’s test is used to detect the presence of antibodies that coat and damage red blood cells (Moisio & Moisio, p. 134).
•Fetal Blood

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