
Handmaids Tale-Dystopian Literarture

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The Handmaid’s Tale-Dystopian Literary Tradition Dystopia is defined as being a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding. Dystopian is also considered to be about futuristic societies that have degraded into repressed and controlled states. Dystopian literature uses cautionary tones warning us that if we continue to live the way we do, this can be the consequence. A Dystopia is contrary of a utopia (a world where everything is perfect) and often characterized by an authoritarian or totalitarian form of government. Dystopias usually feature different kinds of oppressive, socially controlled systems and a lack of or total absence of individual freedoms and expressions, and in incessant state …show more content…

The same rights many American’s fought to possess many years ago. A totalitarian society is one in which the political system is characterized by people who are completely controlled by the government (Longman Dictionary, Fourth Edition.) Unfortunately in this case the Republic is controlled by the government and by the military. The people, especially women, have no control over anything including even basic aspects of their own lives. Women from Gilead are no longer allowed to be with their families, husbands, or loved ones. Citizens are stripped of their educational backgrounds and previous jobs. In the Republic there are no longer doctors, attorneys, nor teachers. Women are no longer allowed to read or to sleep with men (they choose) willingly. Simple things, for instance, using lotion, wearing makeup etc. are all taken away from these women. They have all lost their religious rights and freedoms. If you do not convert to the ways of the people in Gilead, you are either executed or sent to the colonies to live which are similar to concentration camps and still hold a lot of radiation. The people have no rights; and there is complete misogyny against women in the Republic of Gilead. Totalitarian control is based on political systems in which the people are controlled by the Government (Longman Dictionary, Fourth Edition.) The President was murdered, and due to this happening, (“Presidents Day Massacre”) the US

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