
Happiness And Happiness In Macbeth

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“It’s so hard to forget pain, but it’s even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace. (- Chuck Palahniuk) There are times in which people feel ecstatic or overjoyed for some reason. We may ask them why but their answer would probably be “because I’m happy”. People might not think about it but we might ask ourselves, what does it mean to be happy. In Macbeth his happiness was to have the throne of his cousin while in Federigo’s Falcon it was to have the woman he loved by his side. In the video, The Science of Happiness, gratitude is what makes us as humans truly happy.

The play of Macbeth is about a man called Macbeth who got a prophecy that he was going to be king. Once his first prophecy, being a cawdor, came true he did everything in his power to make sure he would be king. He strongly believed that taking the throne would his life better or happier. He had already had land because he was already a cawdor, the king even went as far as to give Macbeth more land for his services. All that land meant nothing to Macbeth because he wanted it all. His decision to complete the prophecy led him to be consumed by greed. He was convincing himself that he was doing this for the happiness of him and his wife. These thoughts led Macbeth to murdering the king, his cousin, Duncan. Macbeth’s best friend Banquo knew of his prophecy and soonly discovered that Macbeth killed the king. Paranoid about being discovered Macbeth ordered the murder of Banquo. Macbeth thought that now he could rein the kingdom of Scotland without anyone to accuse him of murder and for a while no one did. They should be happy now right? On the contrary Macbeth and his wife began going insane. In the end, Macbeth was killed and his wife died of insanity. Macbeth believed that having everything that his cousin had would make him happier than he was earlier on in the story but instead he was constantly consumed with guilt of his actions and died a horrible death. The story of Macbeth proves that having everything doesn’t make people happy. Having money and fame like celebrities isn’t going to make you happy. If Macbeth was just content with what he had he might’ve been king eventually without the

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