
Happiness And How To Meaning Happiness : The State Of Happiness

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What do you think makes us happy? A question for everyone to determine at some point in their life. As defined in Merriam-Webster (2017), happiness is a state of well-being and contentment; a pleasurable or satisfying experience. However, happiness is hard to achieve like water or smoke, it is there but it is impossible to hold in our hands. It can be as simple as being content with doing what you love, and living the life you want or by being who you want to be. Some individuals even go as far as to follow steps on how to achieve happiness. Happiness is a sensation that people desire to have, and sometimes desperately wishes for. Everyone has a completely different view of happiness and how to attain it. Some Individuals require money, material things, solitude and for others it is companionship or helping someone, but the list can go on. People sometimes tend judge their happiness based on what their career field is, what kind of car they drive, how many square footages their home has and the area where their home is located. I believe that individuals can be happy within unhappiness when we have an absolute knowledge and understanding of what our purpose is, we stop at nothing to attain and achieve what our heats desires; true happiness.
Happiness plays an important and necessary role in the lives of individuals all over the world. Happiness has been firmly fixed in our consciousness since Thomas Jefferson wrote these famous words in the Declaration of Independence: “We

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