
Happiness In Enrique's Journey

Decent Essays

As Aristotle once said “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence”. This statement has to do with a question that is commonly asked at some point in your life, as for many people they never figure out the answer to this question.“ Is happiness the goal?” Throughout the year focusing on this theme, I believe that people should be pursuing to find happiness in what the do but that doesn't mean you have to happy at all times. Happiness is often confused with acceptance, which means some people accept their lives and protect themselves with a false sense of happiness , instead of striving for the life that brings them the most joy Many people in their lives have a false sense of happiness, instead of seeking out for what they want in their life they try to be content with themselves. For example Brave New World is all about a false sense of happiness and how everyone should always be happy and content, in the book they all take soma to escape their feelings and their life, “ she …show more content…

We are all seeking...something. In Enrique’s Journey it’s all about seeking to find a better life for yourself and your family. "The effect of immigration has been family disintegration. People are leaving behind the most important value: family unity."(Hernandez, 248) Immigrants are making the hard decision to leave their family behind to go and make more money so all of them can find happiness in their life. You're more likely to find happiness when your family is happy. Another example of seeking happiness is when people would help the injured immigrants from taking the journey of immigration. “I figure when I die, I can't take anything with me. So why not give?”(Nazario, ) In this quote it is showing that even when you aren’t receiving you still are finding happiness through giving to others and striving for a better

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