
Happiness In The Time Of Socrates : The Life Of Happiness

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During the time of Socrates, the ancient Greeks believed it was seemingly impossible to feel happiness. The only beings that were divine enough to feel happiness were the gods and goddesses. Unlike many, Socrates believed reason was the path to the happy life. Socrates often told his followers to look inside of themselves to find happiness. He was convinced that the life of self-analysis was so powerful that it was the only life that was worth living. This was the life of studying philosophy. Socrates was one of the first philosophers to believe and argue that happiness is not just given to someone but can be achieved if you work towards it. The Sophists, teachers in Athens that were paid to teach their wisdom to others, thought he was out of his mind. None of this put a dent in Socrates beliefs. Anyone that is willing to coordinate and prioritize their desires can achieve this divine-like feeling, happiness. All it took to reach this point was being virtuous and just. Once reached, one would realize the purpose of human life, which would lead to a happier life.
Philosophy is the study of general and central problems relating to matters such as existence, values, sense, and mind. In Plato’s, The Republic, Socrates says an immoral life is filled with guilt, anxiety, and stress. All of which lead us to escape through bad actions such as alcohol and drugs. The moral life brings peace of mind along with knowledge. Knowledge is the key to finding happiness. Knowledge pushes

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