
Happiness Vs Happiness

Decent Essays

Happiness is an emotion that many individuals try to search for throughout their lives, whereas people view happiness as an essential factor in living a quality life. All over the world, there are individuals who believe that they can find true joy through distancing oneself from social interactions and by living life independently. Many believe that this is true because you are allowed to make your own choices when living independently. When we are independent, we tend to make choices that surround ourselves. In addition, the choices that we make as independent individuals tends to be selfish and egocentric. To this, these choices are selfish because we are independent and only worry about our own selves. Although living life independently may seem as a road to happiness, it is not the way to live. An individual should live life compassionately and surround themselves with people they cherish. To live life compassionately, we should be understanding of other individual’s and show empathy. Each and every individual experiences different upbringings that make us unique. Often when we’re uncompassionate, we tend to misunderstand other individuals because we hold them up to our own moral standards. “Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone…. remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had” (Fitzgerald 1). Without compassion, we are quick to assume and judge other individuals, whereas we only think of ourselves. When being consumed with our own thoughts and own well-being, we become self-centered individuals with our default settings on. In This Is Water, Wallace defines these default settings as the, “unconscious belief that I am the center of the world and that my immediate needs… determine the world’s priorities” (Wallace 236). Contrary to the thoughts of self-centered individuals, we are not the center of the world. As individuals that live in a world with an abundant amount of other individuals, it’s essential to not maintain an aura of selfishness.
While it is true that living compassionately isn’t always easy, a compassionate lifestyle is still essential to develop a kindhearted character. Those who oppose a life of compassion may argue that to feel emotion and

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