
Happiness Vs Happiness

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Happiness is something that we strive for in our lives and expect to have in our futures. I don’t know a person out there that would openly choose to be unhappy for their entire lives. We all know we want to be happy and that we want it in our future, but we have never really opened up to the idea of specifically how we were going to be happy. Is there a structural way to find happiness or does happiness find you? Keeping in mind that everyone is different and we all live different lives it’s impossible to create one direct way of finding happiness. Where one way of finding happiness can work for me it won’t work for you. While finding happiness is different for everyone there are similarities in the search for happiness. We find ourselves …show more content…

Using this as a basis for what she is wanting she created a chart of 12 resolutions to follow on the road to happiness. It would be nice if finding happiness was just as easy as following a chart for an extended period of time, but it isn’t. Happiness is an emotion that relies heavily on your mental state. If you think negatively you will feel negatively, so to counter that Rubin made two lists to help her follow through with her resolutions and allow her to focus on being positive. She created the Twelve Commandments and the Secrets of Adulthood.
January marked the start of the happiness project and the very first resolution she made. Like a lot of people Rubin had made New Year’s resolutions before and never kept them. To increase her chances of keeping her 12 resolutions alive, unlike all the gym memberships that collect dust, she made her first resolution energy. Energy and happiness go hand in hand. When you have more energy you will be happier and when you are happier you have more energy. To maximize energy levels Rubin worked both physically and mentally. Rubin went to physical energy first beginning with going to bed earlier. Almost immediately she saw improvements. She was more energetic and cheerful. Keeping with physical she started working out. There is evidence showing that exercising will lead to being healthier, thinking clearly and have better sleep. I honestly think that that is correct, but if I

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