
Hardware And Software Router Essay

Decent Essays

Know the Web
Section 1 - Hardware and Software
Routers –
A router is a device that helps packets of information get to their destination using the best route possible. Sometimes a server or network can get too busy/overloaded and the router will have to send packets on a different route, but they will all still be sent to the same destination. It’s similar to how you would plan a route to work if you were driving, there’s some roads that could be congested with traffic or have road works, you will have to try and work around avoiding them roads. While it is an alternative route, you will still get to the same destination. Below is a picture of a router and how a router works.
Browsers –
A browser is an application that allows you to access …show more content…

It was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 and it allows you to access webpages and websites. It is a network that connects all the other networks. It is always in HTML format (Hypertext mark-up language). Anyone can access it and host their own website on the worldwide web, provided they have an ISP, the right equipment and a website host of their choice. A space is rented out for you by the web hosting service you have chosen and it is used to put your website onto the internet for anyone to view and access.

Web hosting services –
A web hosting service is a service that allows someone’s website to be accessible on the
World Wide Web. When you buy a web hosting service plan, they will provide you with an assigned space on their server for your website. It is similar to how you would need a space of land to open a shop or business to sell products. A web hosting service will provide you with everything you need to get your website up and running. This includes software, support, bandwidth and security. Some examples of web hosting services that you can choose from are shown below.
Section 3 – Web Functionality
Web 2.0 –
Web 2 is what most modern websites look like today compared to 1989 – early 90s. – A second version of the World Wide Web. The websites on web 2 have more interactivity than sites from web 1. The websites from web 1 may look very basic now, but at the time it was amazing technology, like new technology would be now.

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