
Harrison Bergeron Book And Movie Comparison Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Djanie 1 Pfeffel Djanie Eng 101 Michael Rambadt 09/19/16 Difference Between Kurt Vonnegut's Book On Harrison Bergeron And The 2081 Movie In today’s world, equality is quite a hot topic being thrown about. With the help of Kurt Vonnegut and Chandler Tuttle with kind of have an idea of what really equality could look like. The question I think they are trying to pose is do we really want equality? Both stories are quite similar but have a few differences which affects the way the perceive different stories. The story is mainly about a time in the future where all people would be equal to both God and Law. Some people like Harrison, will dislike being made equal to others because they believe, they are being denied a chance to achieve their full potential. The most notable difference between the two stories is when in the movie 2018 Harrison breaks into the ball and angrily tells everyone that there was a bomb under the theater. He says as “there is a bomb beneath this theater and there is a detonator in my hand. So I strongly suggest that you remain in your seats.” On the contrary in Kurt Vonnegut’s book, Harrison does not give any form of threat for them to stay put. He simply breaks into the ball and claims his role as emperor. There is quite a difference between these two stories …show more content…

She witnesses her son Harrison’s bold attempt to claim his role as Emperor and sees him get shot as well. After that she apparently forgets what she witnesses. In the movie 2081 however, Chandler Tuttle struggled to understand why Hazel watched the incident and could not remember. Since he could not figure it out, He set up a scene where Hazel leaves to wash the dishes and leaves George alone to watch alone in the living room. She says “urgh i think i will get started with the dishes.”The real reason Hazel forgot about her son’s death is because she got desensitized

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