
Harrison Bergeron Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

How is Harrison Bergeron/2081 a dystopia? Write a 3-5 paragraph essay using the rubric provided a guide to formatting your essay.
Harrison Bergeron is a fascinating dystopian story, telling of an outrageous future where everything is exactly the same. In the world of Harrison Bergeron, everyone is either constantly in pain, or trying desperately to be someone they aren’t. The story is entirely fictional, though it feels all too real. Under the power of an overbearing government, with a riveting plot line, the characters always keep you guessing what happens next.
The world if Harrison Bergeron is a fictional story, which takes place in the year 2081. By then, the government that everything and everyone was to be exactly the same. Intelligent people had a device to disrupt their thoughts every 20 seconds, people with good eyesight had to wear glasses that warped their vision, those with extra strength wore large weights, etc. However, fourteen-year-old Harrison believes that everyone does not need to be equal, and that no one should go through large amounts of pain just to fit in. …show more content…

Harrison goes to a dance studio, which was on T.V. There, eight ballerinas danced awkwardly, held down by weights and harnesses. As soon as Harrison arrives, the dancers, broadcasters, and musicians drop to their knees and cowar. However, Harrison has bigger and better plans, He tells the people that he is and emperor, and that he was better than any other government. He ripped off his handicaps, and said that the first woman to rise would be his empress. When a ballerina stood up, he took off her (and the musicians) handicaps and they began to dance

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