
Justice Scale Of Harrison Bergeron

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Part: B Verbal-Visual Essay For the visual portion of this essay I chose to print and paste pictures of objects that were either in the story or were symbolized throughout the story. I decided to put a justice scale for Harrison Bergeron because the story was about equality. the story was unique because it did not only make people ''equal in the eyes of God and the law,'' Kurt Vonnegut took the idea of equality to a whole other level by making every man and woman equal in every way possible, which is why I chose to represent this story with the justice scale. Another story that had a lot of symbolism is ''The Study in Geometry'' who's title cleverly means the study in triangles or in this case love triangle. In this story our protagonist …show more content…

''Everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal in every which way.'' I chose this quote because Harrison Bergeron is about what life would be like with total equality under government control but not the same equality people would kind of equality. ''For all I know I am the only man wearing the evidence of murder as a wristwatch strap.'' Until the end of Moose and Sparrow the murderer of moose was unknown and his death was unexplained. It shows how smart and resourceful Cecil is. ''Well this is where fate, and even bigger force than Priscilla steps in.'' In the story Monk Klutter made all the students live in fear but when he messed with the wrong boy Priscilla had to step in. This quote is relevant to the story because this story deals with karma and fate. after Priscilla steps in monk was left in the locker for a week, karma at its finest. ''There are so many Margrets and not all of them have a Lori, to help them.'' In a Matter of Trust, Lori had been told a secret by her friend Margret. Though Lori knew that Margret was doing something wrong, she was put under the pressure of keeping it a secret, but in the end she ends …show more content…

Instead of living in fear to be unique and striving to do things others could not. In Priscilla and the Wimps I think the author did a great job an example of fate and karma as well as displaying someone helping someone else in need. I think that if you see someone in need who cannot help themselves you should lend them a hand which is what Pricilla did when she helped Melvin. In moose and Sparrow, moose picked on Cecil based on his appearance and took it a little too far without getting to know Cecil's abilities and limits. Moose ended up pushing Cecil's limits and faced the consequences. Moose did not even see it coming, as a matter of fact no one did. In On the Sidewalk Bleeding we learn that your personal identity is more important than your gangs identity. Andy unfortunately learned this the hard way and ended up losing his life because of this and all he could do before his death was regret his mistakes. I think that if your friend tells you a secret that could potentially harm them it is your job to get them the help that they need as their friend. Lori learns this the hard way when her friend Margret tells her a secret. day after day the secret was eating her

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