
Hate Crime Charges

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How can the federal government become more involved with hate crime charges?
There are situations where the state is unable or unwilling to proceed with certain cases involving hate motivated crimes, prejudice, or bias crimes. In addition, the difference between hate crime definition or factors determining a hate crime in federal and state levels causes limitations on both levels as well. In such situations, the federal government only has, the federal government has limited jurisdiction to charge or consider some cases as federal criminal civil rights violations. On the federal level, these cases are difficult to charge because the government must “prove that the crime against the prevented from engaging in some type of constitutionally protected …show more content…

UCR. The difference and changing definitions of hate crime across states is yet to be researched to determine any effects on the rates of reporting and unreporting. However, according to the FBI, the congress, for the purpose of national statistical collection, has decided to define hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation” ( It is suggested by a recent study (Harlow, 2005), that the criteria of a hate crime be uniform across the states. “Due to the difficulty of ascertaining the offender’s subjective motivation, bias is to reported only if investigation reveals sufficient objective facts to lead a reasonable and prudent person to conclude that the offender’s actions were motivated, in whole or in part, by bias” (Harlow, 2005). The two definitions should be similar if not uniform in order for an accurate data.
Are hate crime laws effective?
The legislation is needed to protect groups of victims commonly affected by hate crimes. Also, the legislation is also a public awareness effort to show that there is something being done about this issue. However, public awareness is also shed on the vulnerable groups that these crimes often affect. Some opponents of hate crime legislation argue that it violates the freedom of speech. Congress has decided that hate crime legislations would in no way limit freedom of speech. Unfortunately, preaching hatred against a particular group have always been protected forms of

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