
Haudenosaunee Iroquois Case Study

Decent Essays

The Haudenosaunee Iroquois): A Northeastern Case Study
The Haudenosaunee is one of the best known Native American Indian groups that lived in the northern New York region. They are referred to as the Iroquoians. They are a group of five allied nations – the Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida and Mohawk. Their league of confederation is called the “League of Iroquois”. Tuscarora, a sixth nation joined them later. They were very strong militarily and feared by Europeans and fellow Indians alike. The rivers in the region ran into Lake Ontario. The winters were cold and snowy and the summers were pleasant but humid. They had extensive varieties of animals both large and small. The language spoken was the Iroquoian language by both the northern …show more content…

The belief system is based on the earth resting on the back of a turtle swimming in the ocean and that creation occurred by “Sky Woman” coming down and creating land and populating it.
The Haudenosaunee had a complex political system. It had four levels, the first one being kinship and residence. – Basically the family, lineage and clan. The second was that of the town which was governed independently. The third was a combination of towns that formed a Nation. The last one was that all Nations joined the larger League. The League was divided into two halves, they followed the “Great Law of Peace” constitution and consisted of 50 sachem (a named office) positions.
The primary social unit was the matrilineage. Power descended from the mother’s side. Related nuclear families lived together and led by the eldest female. Women owned land and controlled the distribution of resources. They also had a class system and the upper class was made up of lineages, chiefs and clan elders. The lower class were slaves and captives. The middle class were in between. Division of labor was determined by sex. Men hinted, fished and conducted war and women collected plant food, cooked, maintained the household. The Haudenosaunee also had several societies such as the “Medicine” and “False Face” societies to name a few.
The two major economic pursuits were agriculture and hunting. Excess food was stored for later use. All ceremonies were

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