
Headstrong Historian And Things Fall Apart Essay

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A person who is called a friend almost always thinking for your greater good, but what if they had an ulterior motive? The true identity of said person may closely resemble this friend in question. All the prosperity of any work, or deed done gravitates to this person, while the suffering party remains stuck behind in the shambles created not by them. An internal conflict often bubbles within, questioning if the name of victim belongs to their status. Yet, by the time awareness has struck, all but one remains in good graces. The importance of seeing the worst before it comes does not always come along. “The Headstrong Historian” and Things Fall Apart symbolizes what is good for one is bad for another. “The Headstrong Historian” and Things Fall Apart forms a topic of what is good for one is bad for another. In Achebe’s novel, Okonkwo often thinks about the matter of his pride and not for his family or …show more content…

In “The Headstrong Historian”, Nwamgba is moved by her maternal instincts of seeing her son Anikwenwa to experience a better future. “Father Shanahan told her that Anikwenwa would have to take an English name, because it was not possible to be baptized with a heathen name. She agreed easily.” (Adichie 6). Yet, she fails in acknowledging her son’s increased involvement, leading him away from his culture. Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart often thinks for the benefit of his pride, putting others in harm’s way. “All was silent. In the center of the crowd a boy lay in a pool of blood. It was the dead man’s sixteen-year-old son… Okonkwo’s gun had exploded and a piece of iron had pierced the boy’s heart.” (Achebe 124). The killing of a boy that was once a young man in the village, his actions lead to his family banished from their village and Nwoye to distant himself from the family. Both of these characters show self-centered thoughts in their

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