
Health Care Provider And Faith Diversity

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Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity
As time passes, the field of health care continually expands and advances. When thinking back to the way health care was portrayed a few decades ago, healing pertained only to the correct administration of medical treatment and scientific interventions. However, it is now clear that spirituality relates to positive health results. In fact, society as a whole is more spiritually diverse now than ever before. Accordingly, health care associates must recognize that providing the highest level of patient care involves understanding different worldviews. By addressing these issues, it is possible to deliver spiritually fulfilling and respectful care for patients with varying religious beliefs.
Comparative analysis of Health Care: Christianity
Christianity is centered on the Gospel as proclaimed by Jesus, the son of God. The fundamental message offered by Jesus is of compassion and love. This message is astonishing to most people as Jesus instructs us to love our enemies, a concept which was not spoken of prior. Due to the loving and forgiving nature of God, Christianity still remains an excellent religion for all humanity (Comparing Christianity, 2014). Within Christianity, the Holy Trinity, God the father, son, and Holy Spirit, are the divine individuals and the Bible is the Holy scripture.
For Christians, God is the ultimate prime reality. He created the heavens, earth, and all inhabitants. (Shelly & Miller, 2006, p. 114).

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