
Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act

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ABC Healthcare in order to comply with regulatory standards must understand the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) data security, storage security, and payment security requirements.

The technical recommendation for addressing the security requirements in ABC Healthcare network needs a set of controls which include, access controls, audit controls and integrity controls. Access and audit controls ensure how healthcare professionals and other employees access sensitive data such as Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI), and the process of authentication. Personnel are often targets of social engineering attacks that potentially could result to security breaches and attacks; therefore, it is essential to provide adequate security awareness training to all new hires, as well as refresher training to current employees on a yearly basis. Ensuring personnel have an understanding of sensitive information, common security risks, and basic steps to prevent security breaches can develop habits that would make them less susceptible to social engineering attacks.

Employees who have electronic or physical access to critical assets should know how to handle sensitive data securely and how to report and respond to cyber security incidents. Ensuring that access privileges would revoked at termination or transfer and that all equipment and data are returned to the

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