
Healthcare System Of Kenya As An Example For Future Students And Classes

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HealthCare System in Kenya HADM 5032 Amrutha Kurakula 05/17/2015 UHCL HONESTY CODE “I will be honest in all my academic activities and will not tolerate dishonesty.” Submission of this exam/assignment certifies my compliance with the UHCL Honesty Code that I signed at the start of the semester. I pledge on my honor that I have complied with this policy, inclusive of not acquiring unauthorized information or assistance, not providing others with unauthorized information or assistance, avoiding plagiarism, avoiding conspiracy, avoiding fabrication/falsification, avoiding abuse of resources and materials, and reporting the academic dishonesty of others. This assignment is regarding various aspects of healthcare that are prevalent in Kenya. HADM 5032- Foundations of Healthcare Delivery Instructor: Dr. Ashish Chandra University of Houston, Clearlake 2700 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, TX 77058 I give the instructor, Dr. Ashish Chandra, permission to use this assignment, Healthcare in Kenya as an example for future students and classes. Cover letter: This assignment is regarding various topics in Kenya’s health care system such as 1. Medical technology 2. Health services Financing 3. Long term care 4. Cost, access and

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