
Henry Ford Research Paper Outline

Decent Essays

Kolt Webb
Mrs. Williams
English III
31 October 2016
Ford Motor Company The Ford Motor Company is an automotive manufacturer that was started in the late 1900’s. Many people have run the Ford Motor Company but the founder Henry Ford, he was unlike any other. Henry Ford’s imagination was unlike any other and his brain could come up with some of the greatest things. Until the day Mr. Ford died he created and succeeded in the automotive world and never failed to give to America. Henry Ford was born on a farm near Greenfield, Michigan on July 30th, 1863. Educated in the Greenfield school district, and at the age of 16 Henry became a machinist's apprentice in Detroit. In 1888 he married Clara Jane Bryant. In 1891 he became an engineer at the …show more content…

Other manufacturers were content to target the wealthy American could buy, not even considering the middle or lower class. Ford developed a design and a method of making the cars that steadily and continuously reduced the cost of the car, the car being the Model T. Instead of pocketing the money from the cars Ford used it to make better and more efficient ways to build a car. As a result, Ford Motor Company sold more cars and steadily increased its earnings. Henry Ford somehow managed to change people from the looking at an automobile as a luxury, and more like a convenience …show more content…

Ford, as he made accomplishments throughout his career. From life all the way to death Ford was always looking for ways to improve. When Ford made the Model A, that was the best there was! People were jumping around trying to figure out how they could get one and the people that actually got it done were so satisfied with the vehicle that Ford decided he could start to mass produce the thing. Theeeennnn, well, then along came the assembly line that could produce thousands of cars in a week. The Assembly Line a way of assembling things that made it go much faster. It worked like a belt drive on a car, moving the parts down the line to every station. Every station had a few people working at it that had a specific job to

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