
Herbert Hoover Contributions

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"Give a man a fish, and he eats for one day, teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime." Hoover did not want Americans to become reliant on government aid and this optimism that Americans could overcome the greatest economic crisis is what later made him one of the most disliked presidents in history.

Hoover continued to work as a mining engineer, although he had a strong desire for public service. Hoover identified himself as a Republican. World War 1 put Herbert Hoover in the forefront of American politics. When the war broke out in London, the U.S consul contacted Hoover and asked him to organize an evacuation of over 100,000 Americans trapped in Europe. Hoover and many of his wealthy friends came together and created the Committee for the Relief of Belgium, after Germany's brutal invasion of Belgium. Hoover successful pulled this off without any government help; he was able to gain several millions of dollars to supply Belgians with much-needed medicine and food. Hoover ran the U.S. Food Administration at the request of President Woodrow Wilson. Hoover did quite well as the head of the U.S. Food Administration in leading the effort to preserve food and essential supplies that helped aid European allies. During the war, Hoover had become a household name and the verb "Hooverize" was used, and that meant to ration household supplies. World War 1 officially ended in November of 1918 when the armistice treaty was signed. President Wilson then appointed Hoover to lead

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