
High Taxes In The United States

Decent Essays

Georgia Military College High Taxes Alex Baker PLS 101 Mr. Farmer 9 September 2016 In America many people are split on the subject of taxes especially when it comes to high taxes. High taxes holds benefits and negatives for both sides of the argument going on about high taxes. There are two main sides that argue over the ideology of taxes and whether they should be higher or lower. The main discussion today will be high taxes and the views of a conservative and a liberal. There is a clear line that both sides believe should and should not be crossed regarding the subject. To begin talking about how both sides feel about high taxes I will start with the Liberal viewpoint. Liberals are pro higher taxes in the government they believe that high …show more content…

"The Numbers Don't Lie-Why Lowering Taxes For The Rich No Longer Works To Grow The Economy." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 12 Sept. 2012. Web. 09 Sept. 2016. • Barton, Stephanie. "Parties For Taxes: Republicans Vs. Democrats." Investopedia. N.p., 2008. Web. 09 Sept. 2016. • By the Same Token, a Well-placed Cyber-attack Could Cripple Our Economy, Shut down Our Energy and Transportation Systems, Wreck Our Health Care Delivery Systems, and Put Millions of Lives at Risk. Although Our Country Has Thwarted New Terrorist Attacks since 2001, Those Threats Do Persist. That Is Why Our Reform of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Was so Vital, and Why the Democrats' Opposition to It Was so Wrong. "Republican Party Platforms: 2008 Republican Party Platform." Republican Party Platforms: 2008 Republican Party Platform. N.p., 1 Sept. 2008. Web. 09 Sept. 2016. • "Why Would a Liberal Want to Have Higher Income Taxes?" YoExpert Q&A. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Sept. 2016. • By Lawrence Mishel and Alyssa Davis • June 21, 2015. "Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent." Economic Policy Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Sept.

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