
Highlands Drilling Job Analysis

Decent Essays

It was in April 2011, I was working only 20-30 hours a week, due to shortage of work. It was a struggle for my family; my wife, which was pregnant with our second child, and my daughter, at the time was only 2. I was doing odd jobs whenever I wasn’t able to work my normal job. This still seemed to not be enough for my family and me to really live on. Work continued to slow down, and our bills seemed to speed up. As usual, I was determined one way or another, to turn my position around and provide for my family. As odd jobs, I was mowing several yards, one of which belonged to George, a man I had went to high school with. After finishing up his yard we stood around and were talking. He told me that since he was a Driller for Highlands Drilling, …show more content…

On Monday, I applied for a Floor Hand position at the Highlands Drilling office. After finishing all the necessary paper work, the secretary came in and said that I had been requested on Highlands Rig 8 near Uniontown, Pennsylvania. I told her that it sounded great and asked, “When do I start?” The answer I got was not what I expected to hear. I was told that since it was so late in the evening, I didn’t need to go up there until the next day. This would be awesome news for most jobs, but for a job that was 500 miles from home, without any prior planning, not so …show more content…

It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life, no one can explain to a 2 year old “Daddy’s Girl,” that this was only going to be for a couple weeks at a time. I honestly thought during this goodbye period, of just staying home and forgetting the opportunity. In reality, I knew this wasn’t an option as soon as I thought about the bills that we were in debt to. I unhappily gave a goodbye hug and kiss to my wife and daughter, got in the truck, and drove away, my house disappearing slowly in the rearview

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