
Hispanic Sex Education

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Although the data proves what has caused the rate increase, there are other factors that can affect the outcome of the data. The data in Fig. 1 and Fig 2 shows the Pregnancy Risk among Hispanic women will increase and make up the largest portion of this age group. While most sex education programs were not geared toward the Hispanic community in the 1990’s, it has seen in improvement in the classroom settings. The postponement of parenthood until in the wake of moving on from secondary school improves the probability of getting a well-paying employment and reducing the rate of poverty among the future Hispanic community. It is vital that we attempt to impart these truths to the general population around us; furthermore, bolster persons that may need assistance. For all ethnic groups, in particular Hispanics, there are factors that contribute to this such as peer pressure, images of sex in the media and magazines, and the embarrassment that goes along with getting contraception which could contribute to the high teen pregnancy. While I have no experienced being a teenage father, I have witnessed several tragedies in my career as a Peace Officer. I was dispatched to a residence in reference to a verbal dispute between a mother and her …show more content…

Sex education should be implemented at an early age beginning at the middle school level. A discussion of contraception, the risks of diseases, the risk of becoming an unwed teen parent and the disadvantages of not having an education will help decrease the number of teen pregnancies with future generations. Parents should not feel threatened of having their children learning about sex in class. Parents should feel empowered; it will allow their children opportunities to feel they are able to discuss future topics of sex at home to help promote

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