
History And Meaning Of Corporate Governance

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Corporate governance is a key term to understand and it is increasingly important part of running a successful company. The system has evolved over the years, guided by the challenges and misjudgements of the corporate world.

The following guide will help you look into the history and meaning of corporate governance and find out about the core principles of it. You can also read about the key models and guidelines that help companies implement strong corporate governance in the demanding and competitive business world.

What is corporate governance?

Corporate governance refers to a set of rules, practices and processes that control a company and which provide it with a direction. It helps to ensure a balance between the different …show more content…

As the corporate culture began changing at the start of the 20th century, scholars began looking into the influence corporations have on the modern society.

The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was a catalyst for many scholars, such as Adolf Augustus Berle and Gardiner C. Means. Furthermore, Ronald Coase, from the famous Chicago school of economics introduced concepts of corporate behaviour and birth to the public knowledge.

Further studies in to the issue became more mainstream and corporate governance became big news in the US during the 1990s, as the country’s corporations were hit by a wave of big chief executive officer (CEO) dismissals.

Major corporate scandals and economic crisis have further deepened the development and focus on corporate governance around the world. In Asia, the East Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 highlighted the importance of strong corporate governance and strengthening of institutions became an important aspect of the business world across the globe.

The benefits of good corporate governance

Corporate governance provides the framework for how to company operates and the direction it takes, which in turn brings about benefits for the corporation. The key advantages of a strong corporate governance culture include the following:

Clear roles and clarity with power distribution

With the established framework, the company can benefit from clarity. As corporate

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